Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen



"Dårligt nyt", 18. oktober 2012.

My DTU Space webpage is here (has updated publication list)

Aktuel Naturvidenskab nr. 3 /2014 (Vikingemus på Madeira)

Aktuel Naturvidenskab nr. 3 / 2014 (80 års klimaændringer set fra luften)


Folkeuniversitetet "Universets gåder" (23 MB)


Recent papers:

Experimental studies of the formation of cluster ions formed by corona discharge in an atmosphere containing SO2,NH3,and H2O (submitted)

Response of Cloud Condensation Nuclei (> 50 nm) to Changes in Ion-Nucleation (preprint 2012)

Relative-Velocity Distributions for Two Effusive Atomic Beams in Counterpropagating and Crossed-Beam Geometries (Adv. Math. Phys. 2012)

Historical and Idealized Climate Model Experiments: An EMIC Intercomparison (Clim. Past Discuss. 2012)

Long-term Climate Change Commitment and Reversibility: An EMIC Intercomparison (J. Climate 2013, accepted)

Aerosol nucleation in an ultra-low ion density environment (J. Aerosol Sci. 2012)

An isotope view on ionising radiation as a source of sulphuric acid (Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2012)

Structures and reaction rates of the gaseous oxidation of SO2 by an O3 (H2O)0−5 cluster – a density functional theory investigation (Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2012)

Ab initio studies of O2-(H2O)n and O3-(H2O)n anionic molecular clusters, n<12 (Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2012)

Aerosol nucleation induced by a high energy particle beam (Geophys. Res. Lett. 2011)

Results from the CERN pilot CLOUD experiment(Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2010)

Nanoparticle formation in H2O/N2 and H2O/Ar mixtures under irradiation by 20 MeV protons and positive corona discharge(J. Aerosol Sci. 2010)

        Older publications (list only)


Recent talks:

AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, Singapore, 17 August 2012 (8.5 MB)


Recent papers in Danish:

På bølgetoppen (Målerbladet 2012)

Solaktivitet og klimaændringer (Kvant 2011)

Kosmiske partikler og skykim (Aktuel Naturvidenskab 2011) [ekstra materiale]

Atompanik (Aktuel Naturvidenskab 2011)

Vedvarende forbrug (Weekendavisen 2011)



Gasjagten (Februar 2013)

Dårligt nyt DR1 (18. oktober 2012, ca. 23:45 min)

Experimentarium TV


Recent press coverage

Russisk meteor skabte højthængede natteskyer (Ingeniøren 2013)

De laver skyer under jorden (DTU Avisen 2013)

Danske forskere studerer skydannelse 1.100 meter under jorden (Ingeniøren 2012)

Dansk forsker angriber FN's klimapanel ( 2012)

Enige forskere: Solen kan ikke forklare klodens hedetur (Ingeniøren 2012)

Yet another trick of cosmic rays (Calder's Updates 2012)


»Teorien om alting« hængt ud som teorien om ingenting (Berlingske Tidende 2012)

Danske forskere sikrer bedre klimamodeller (P1 Klima og Miljø 2011)

Evidence that cosmic rays seed clouds (Physics World 2011)



Recent book reviews

Hjernemadsens hjernebog (Aktuel Naturvidenskab 2012)

Vaca Muerta-meteoritten - og dens forveksling med sølv (Kvant 2012)

Dansk nordlysforsker frem i lyset (Kvant 2012)

Partikelfysik temabog til gymnasiet (Kvant 2012)

Sten fra himlen (Weekendavisen 2012)

Astronomisk billedkunst i særklasse (Kvant 2012)

Vildt vejr (Aktuel Naturvidenskab 2012)

Skovene (Aktuel Naturvidenskab 2011)

Vi agter.... fra torskegilder til klageportal (Weekendavisen 2011)






Removing the quartz window flange from our new reaction chamber

Boulby Underground Laboratory (1100 m below surface)


Boulby (at the surface)


Boulby Underground Laboratory


SKY I reaction chamber, Copenhagen


New reaction chamber delivered fram Kurt Lesker & Co, Hastings (August 2012)


SKY II chamber being positioned at CERN


SKY II chamber at CERN


SKY I chamber in Copenhagen


"Little SKY" chamber in Copenhagen

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